The relationship between masticatory efficiency and the state of dentition at patients with non rehabilitated partial lost of teeth

Sierpińska T, Gołębiewska M, Długosz JW


Factors believed to affect masticatory efficiency include loss of postcanine teeth, bite force, severity of malocclusion, occlusal contact area, body size and oral motor function.
The aim: to record if there is relationship between masticatory efficiency and the state of dentition at patients whose occlusion has never been rehabilitated.
Material: The study was performed in 22 patients who were missing over 50% of their functional dental units and never used any prosthetic appliances and in 15 healthy completely dentate controls.
Methods: The masticatory efficiency was measured using Optosil test for 20 and 80 cycles of chewing. The occlusal conditions were analyzed by means of the computerized T-Scan II System which registered the maximal force of pressure during the maximal occlusal contacts, the time which passed between the first contact and the maximal force of pressure and the occlusal platform area.
Results: It was observed a considerable difference in the integrity of the masticatory system between both groups. The force of pressure on the indicator, chewing platform area and the time from the first contact to the maximal force calculated in T-Scan II System differs significantly between both groups. The value of X50 for 20 and 80 cycles of chewing estimated in Optosil test were statistically significant only for 80 cycles of chewing.
Conclusion: The severe reduction of the number of functional dental units is caused of the impairment of chewing ability but prolongation of mastication could improve the comminution of hard food.

Key words: state of dentition, masticatory efficiency, Optosil test, T-Scan II System.